School Supply List
School Supplies for Grades K – 5
This list of supplies is a requested/optional list. We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support of our school and we look forward to a productive and successful school year.
ASD Classroom
1 pack of Thick Markers
1 pack of Jumbo Crayons
4 large glue sticks
2 bottles of Elmer’s glue
1 plastic pencil box
1 plastic folder with pockets
3 boxes of Kleenex
1 pack of 9x18 colored construction paper
1 pack of 8.5x11 colored construction paper
Please send your child with the following supplies on the first day of school. Please do not put your child’s name on any of their supplies. We will use some of the items as community supplies and others will be individual.
- 4 - 24 Count Crayola Crayon Boxes
- 1 box of multicultural crayons
- 1 8-pack of Crayola thin markers
- 1 8-pack of Crayola thick markers (Classic colors)
- 1 8-pack of Crayola Thick markers (any other color pack)
- 12 small glue sticks
- 1 Scotch tape refill
- 1 box of Ziploc sandwich bags
- 2 - 8 Pack Crayola Thin Markers
- 1 large box of Kleenex
- 1 4- pack of dry-erase markers (Black, blue, green, & red)
- 2 boxes of graham crackers
- Headphones – no earbuds (please label these & place them in a labeled Ziploc Bag)
Grade 1
- 1 box of 24-count Crayola crayons
- 1 box of 24-count long Crayola colored pencils (please no erasable pencils)
- 1 box of 10 broad washable Crayola markers
- 1 box of 10 skinny/fine Crayola markers
- 6 BIG Elmer’s glue sticks
- 2 boxes Kleenex
- 2 4-pack of BLACK Expo low odor dry erase markers
- 1 box of 12 count #2 Ticonderoga pencils
- GIRLS only: 1 box Ziploc quart or sandwich bags
- BOYS only: 1 box Ziploc gallon bags
- 2 BLACK Papermate Flair pens
- Headphones (please label these only with your child’s name and place in a plastic bag)
- 1 box of graham crackers
- 1 pencil pouch – zippered/fabric (not hard plastic)
- 1 two-pocket folder with 3 prongs in the center
- 1 pair of scissors (please label with your child’s name)
- 1 pkg Pink Pearl erasers
Grade 2
- 2 boxes (24 count) regular Crayola crayons
- 2 boxes (12 count) long Crayola colored pencils
- 1 box of 8 broad Crayola classic markers
- 1 box of 8 thin Crayola classic markers
- 1 yellow highlighter
- 1 spiral notebook
- 6 (.77 oz.) Elmer’s glue sticks
- 5” sharp scissors
- 1 composition book 100 pages
- 2 boxes Kleenex (100 each)
- 8 pkgs. (12 count) #2 sharpened Ticonderoga pencils
- 2 chisel black low-odor Expo dry-erase markers
- 1 full size dry erase board eraser
- 2 binders ½” vinyl white with clear cover
- Earbuds or Headphones, labeled with name in baggie
- 1 (2 pack) of black Papermate Flair pens
- 1 pack of reward stickers
- 1 – 6 pack of 3x3 Post-It notes
- Girls ONLY: 1 box (50 count) Ziploc quart or sandwich bags
- Boys ONLY: 1 box (20 count) Ziploc gallon bags
Grade 3
- 2 pkgs. (12 count) Ticonderoga sharpened pencils
- 1 box (48 count) regular Crayola crayons
- 1 box (12 count) long Crayola colored pencils
- 1 box (8 count) thin Crayola markers
- 1 highlighter
- 1 pkg. (4 count) low odor dry erase Expo markers
- 8 Elmer’s glue sticks
- 1 pink medium eraser
- 1 scissors (5” sharp)
- 1 ruler
- 2 packs of Post It Notes 3 x 3 (any color)
- 2 binders – 1/2” white with clear insert cover
- 6 pocket folders (any color)
- 2 (70 pages) wide ruled spiral notebooks
- 2 Composition notebook (9 ¾ by 7 ½ in - college ruled)
- 1 pair of earbuds/headphones (for Chromebooks)
- 1 box gallon-sized Ziploc bags
- 1- 1 inch binder white binder with clear inset cover.
Grade 4
- 2 pkg. (12 count) Ticonderoga sharpened pencils
- 1 box (24 count) crayons
- 1 box (12 count) colored pencils
- 2 yellow highlighters
- 4 (.21 oz.) glue sticks
- 5” sharp scissors
- 6 pack (3” x 3”) Post It Notes
- 1” binder
- 2 boxes of Kleenex
- 4 red pens
- 2 pink erasers
- 1 (100 pages) spiral notebook wide-ruled, one-subject/assorted colors
- 1 composition book
- 2 packages of wide-ruled, lined paper
- 1 (2 pack) Papermate black flair pens
- 1 box Ziploc sandwich bags
- 1 red duo-tang folder
- 1 yellow duo-tang folder
- 1 green duo-tang folder
- 1 blue duo-tang folder
- 1 purple duo-tang folder
- Headphones with adjustable wide band
Grade 5
- 24 Ticonderoga sharpened pencils
- 1 colored pen
- 1 eraser
- 1 box long Crayola colored pencils
- 1 highlighter
- 6 Elmer’s glue sticks
- 5” sharp scissors
- 1 black composition book
- 1 package of wide-rules paper
- 2 spiral notebooks
- 1 red folder
- 1 yellow folder
- 1 green folder
- 1 blue folder
- 1 purple folder
- 2 boxes of Kleenex
- 1 shoebox size Rubbermaid container labeled with student name
- Headphones